
Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating Using Quartz Nature Reviews Methods Primers

& Duller, G. A. T. Standardised growth curves for optical dating of sediment using multiple-grain aliquots. 38, 241–252 . & Wintle, A. G. Luminescence dating of quartz using an improved single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol. 32, 57–73 .

Thus, the population of stored electrons in lattice-charge defects increases with prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation and the resolved luminescence emission increases with time. Exposure of mineral grains to light or heat (at least 300˚C) reduces the luminescence to a low and definable residual level. Often mineral grains that are fresh from a bedrock sources have significantly lower luminescence emissions per radiation dose in comparison to grains that have cycled repeatedly.

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Shen, H., Yu, L., Zhang, H., Zhao, T. M. & Lai, Z. OSL and radiocarbon dating of flood deposits and its paleoclimatic and archaeological implications in the Yihe River Basin, East China. 30, 398–404 . Sim, A. K.

Risø luminescence reader, TL-DA-20

According to protocol A, the TA-OSL measurement temperature is always lower than the delocalization temperature of TL peak 3; nevertheless, it gets larger than the delocalization temperature of TL peak 2. Thus, during the TA-OSL measurement, the stimulation temperature is always lower than the Tm of TL peak 3. Therefore, the corresponding trap accumulates charge that recombines totally only during the following step of the RTL measurement.

In addition, carbon analysis is also used for plant identification. Teeth decay slowly relative to other human tissues and so they are frequently used as a source of information, including DNA analysis. Aitken MJ, 1985. Thermoluminescence dating. Academic Press, London. McManus, J. F., Francois, R., Gherardi, J. M., Keigwin, L. D.

3, 365–376 . Demuro, M., Arnold, L. J., Aranburu, A., Gómez-Olivencia, A. & Arsuaga, J. L. Single-grain OSL dating of the Middle Palaeolithic site of Galería de las Estatuas, Atapuerca . 49, 138–145 . Rhodes, E. J. Observations of thermal transfer OSL signals in glacigenic quartz.

This is possible due to some peculiar ways that radiation interacts with quartz. The application of luminescence to dating archaeological or geological materials relies on determining two quantities. The first is the amount of radiation absorbed by the sample during the period since the event being dated, measured as De. To determine the age of the sample in years, De has to be divided by the radiation dose received by the sample each year – the dose rate.

However, the two sites are geographically apart with a linear distance of ∼1,800 km and an altitude difference of ∼3,400 m, and it would be a considerable challenge for early humans to migrate between them. Therefore, there may be other paths from the western or southern TP for early humans to reach the hinterland of the TP (Lv, 2014; Qiu, 2015; Wang et al., 2018). On the other hand, the age of the ND site is interesting in the context of climatic setting. Around the late period of the last ice age at 40–30 ka, climate over most of the regions on Earth was much colder and drier than today (Jouzel et al., 2007; Beck et al., 2018).

Recent experimental characterisation of the optically stimulated luminescence signals from quartz grains is reviewed, giving particular regard to implications for SAR protocols. Various published SAR protocols are presented and discussed, particularly with regard to changes in experimental procedure and methods of data analysis in order to isolate the fast component of the OSL signal. It is concluded that the SAR procedure has proved to be a very powerful approach for determining the equivalent dose using quartz OSL signals dominated by the fast component. The presence of other components complicates the simplest protocols and further quantification of their behaviour is required. There are more than 1,000 lakes within the Tibetan Plateau , all of which are sensitive to changes in regional climate and local hydrology. Lacustrine sediments within these lakes preserve a good record of these changes.

42, 33–44 . Balescu, S. & Lamothe, M. Comparison of TL and IRSL age estimates of feldspar coarse grains from waterlain sediments.


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