
Older Woman, Younger Man Relationships

I found someone and we dated for a year. She was younger and very good looking. I had to break up with her, I wanted it to work out. The more I got to know her and after I started to take down the blinders.

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Apparently, he forget he was supposed to have stopped dating when married. Nevertheless, still hooked up w/ his 36 year younger office assistant. He told me he wants a woman that has dinner on the table and is educated. I had a college degree, my career was engineering sales. I waited four years before I dated again. Plus, I needed to process everything and there was A LOT!

When middle age woman is not overweight, that’s attractive already, fit or not fit, and it shows on pictures. I have normal body, for a 53 it’s a bit heavier of course, sometimes I get very fit when I prepare for a marathon, but in general it doesn’t change my perspective on women. I’m just not attracted to women whose bodies don’t resemble a woman’s body anymore. Most or maybe all who chat me up look like guys, seriously.

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My wife had two children from prior marriage who were outraged. Our two sons were ok with me going off. I would not call it dating at first. Looking back, I was learning to breathe again. I became a widower in 2008 after nearly 20 years of marriage to my same age partner.

As we, women, go through many changes, readjustments, and turmoil during our fifth decade, I believe it would be helpful to know what men experience at this same age. Finding balance, love, and commitment is part of a mature woman’s mantra. She expects to find the same in her love relationships. Look at Halle Berry, Elle Macpherson, Cindy Crawford, Elizabeth Hurley, Naomi Campbell, or Michelle Pfeiffer, to name a few. A woman this age knows the importance of taking care of herself.

For reasons like this and others, a growing number of older people are “living apart together,” meaning they’re in a relationship but don’t share a home. It’s a setup that would have been less accepted in the past but represents today’s less rigid norms for older age. Without kids to take care of or jobs to juggle, older adults are forming the kinds of relationships that work for them. Shame me as the article has done, but this way, I’ve found balance and am very happy with life. Remember, clocks and calendars only move in one direction, FORWARD. You can give up but time will still move forward and you will move with it.

I didn’t rake my ex-husband through the coals when we divorced. He kept his car, our house, and all the furniture in that house. None of us are perfect, and I made my mistakes too. But nothing I did or didn’t do was worth divorcing over. He wanted greener grass on the other side of the fence.

There is such a thing as professional sex workers and ‘self-service’, which men seem to scoff at. For many women, it’s more satisfying to serve themselves alone, than to participate with a man where sex is concerned. They still remain with a man in a relationship and try to please him and hope for mutual companionship, emotional and practical support. Finding a non-sexual partner seems to be less of a problem, a lot of nice men suffer from erectile dis-function and might welcome an older partner. I am confident that my soul mate is out there.

I didn’t know what female hypergamy was until I just looked it up. This description of female behavior is not something I can relate to at all. I never looked at men this way and I only strived to find a kind man to share my life with. I am not always looking for something better when I find a good man. It shocks me to hear about the inconsiderate and selfish acts of some women today. Seems that these women want to be recognized for a prosperous career, like men, but they don’t care who they hurt in the process.

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Well mannered, well educated and polite. I am not divorced by separated for past decade or so. There probably are people out there for us, we just haven’t gotten to them or gotten to know them and maybe we never may just due to life, geography or language or culture separation.

They have judged me without knowing a damn thing about me. Their loss because they have no idea. To these men, I do not give them one more second of my time. Mid 50s, find women of all ages attractive, started chatting w/ a woman in her mid 60s at Costco who I may have asked out if not for the ring. Being tall and friendly helps, but I’m not perfect. Some of my friends claim single older women are bitter… I am staying open minded.

I was never that type of woman, and I value hard work and appreciating what I do have. I truly want someone I can bond with, someone I am attracted to body, mind, and soul, someone I can have fun with and share my life with. I want a guy who actually wants to be loved, because I have so much to give. Fifteen years later i entered into what i thought would be a long term live together relationship ending in marriage but unfortunately she left me for a wealthier man 11 years her senior (he’s 59 ) .

You can try your might to do the right things in life, with integrity and commitment, and still wind up out on your arse. Believe me, I was devastated after giving so many years of my life to someone I deeply loved, and the scars still cut me today. But I know I have to keep moving forward. EyesWideOpen……….You did the right thing by cultivating male friendships. I think it’s important that both men and women have their own friends. We all need positive support systems.


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