
Guide to System Integration Testing : With Best Practices

Integration testing is based on following the standard, but can also test in a negative way to see where the standard may not be followed. Testing point-to-point integration can be very tedious, with a potentially large number of tests. This is a context where combinatorial methods, such as pairwise testing, are helpful to reduce the number of tests. NIST has a free tool called ACTS (Automated Combinatorial Testing for Software) that generates test cases based on n-wise testing. An example of this need for integration testing is in the domain of medical devices. Obviously, this is a domain where safety criticality is a very high concern and complexity can be very high due to the high number of configuration parameters.
There were bugs like – after logging in, the user’s shopping cart did not show items they had added earlier, the bill amount did not include shipping cost etc. There are many combinations of data imports and export which we can perform by considering the time period for system integration testing. Testers must select best combinations to perform with the limited time and when repeat some of the steps to test those combinations.

It aims to validate the correctness of interfaces, data flow, communication, and behavior of the integrated system. The top-down integration testing approach involves testing top-level units first, and lower-level units will be tested step-by-step. Test Stubs are needed to simulate lower-level units, which can’t be available during the initial phases. Before a release, a software application undergoes various operations like extensive testing, iteration, and exception handling to identify bugs and make the software business ready.

What are the different types of integration testing?

If you start with integration testing, don’t waste time setting up expensive in-house test infrastructure. Using LambdaTest’s online browser farm, you can run integration tests on 3000+ multiple browsers, devices, and OS combinations. In this approach, integration is done to make sure that the required modules related to the application are ready. Once the integration is completed, then you can perform testing to check if the integrated systems are working or not. This open-source automation testing tool is designed for web-based application testing.

system integration testing definition

Over the course of his 3-year tenure at LambdaTest, he actively contributes to the review process of blogs, learning hubs, and product updates. The types of integration testing include top-down testing, bottom-up testing, sandwich testing, and bi-directional testing. Each type focuses on a specific approach to integrating and testing components. The key objective of integration testing is to uncover defects arising from the interaction between integrated components.
The system under test may be composed of hardware, or software, or hardware with embedded software, or hardware/software with human-in-the-loop testing. One of the most important reasons to conduct integration tests is to create critical user-based scenarios and make sure they play out correctly. Individual components of the software will need to communicate properly when grouped, adapting and responding to multiple possible results.

Who is responsible for integration testing?

The system testing is executed mostly by test engineers after the integration testing has been completed. Also, you do not need to know internal code in system testing, as it consists entirely of black-box testing techniques. In sandwich integration testing, the system is considered to be made up of three layers.
What is system integration testing with example
With LambdaTest’s continuous quality cloud, you can test and ship your software products at a lighter pace. It offers manual and automated testing across 3000+ real browsers, devices, and operating systems combinations. The developers can validate the code requirements to observe the exact system behavior. Once the development team gives the go-ahead, the QA team can perform the different testing levels based on the diverse testing requirements. Unit testing provides you a way to test a unit – the smallest piece of code that can be a function, a method, or even a property. The modern versions of unit testing can be found in popular frameworks such as JUnit or even automated testing tools like LambdaTest.

What is System Integration Testing?

Confirmation tests at this level will identify environment-specific problems, such as errors in memory allocation and de-allocation. The practicality of conducting software integration in the host environment will depend on how much target specific functionality is there. For some embedded systems the coupling with the target environment will be very strong, making it impractical to conduct software integration in the host environment.
The Sandwich testing approach is known as “hybrid testing” because it combines top-down and bottom-up testing approaches. In this strategy, the low modules are tested in conjunction with the higher-level modules and vice versa. When separate modules are combined and tested as a whole, this software testing phase is referred to as integration testing. It takes place before the verification and validation process and after the unit testing. When building your iterative product requirements, it is important to validate and test them quickly before they are handed over to the customers for feedback and input. You cannot rely on traditional working methods, where it takes a lot of time to release the final product in the market.

  • Unlike the bottom-up method, the top-down approach tests the higher-level modules first, working the way down to the lower-level modules.
  • Integration testing runs unit tests on one or a few integrated modules to verify if the integrated modules work as designed or not.
  • NIST has a free tool called ACTS (Automated Combinatorial Testing for Software) that generates test cases based on n-wise testing.
  • Let us understand the entry and exit criteria related to system integration testing.

Because these tests are generally much slower than unit tests, they may run in separate automated test suites in the continuous integration process. Integration testing is known as the second level of the software testing process, following unit testing. Integration testing involves checking individual components or units of a software project to expose defects and problems to verify that they work together as designed. In bottom-up testing, the lowest level components are tested first, and are then used to facilitate the testing of higher level components.
There are significant differences between system testing and integration testing, particularly in terms of the when, where, and how of software testing. But keep in mind that both tests make the software better and make it run better. You can read a list of the 10+ Best Software Testing Books in 2023 in our blog article. System testing is the process of running tests on the whole software system from the point of view of the user. The goal of this test is to see if the product meets the needs and requirements of the user and to find any bugs or problems that need to be fixed. It is also called an end-to-end test because it covers everything and is done at a late stage in the development process.
What is system integration testing with example
This method also helps to determine the levels of software developed and makes it easier to report testing progress in the form of a percentage. System Integration Testing (SIT) is performed to verify the interactions between the modules of a software system. It deals with the verification of the high and low-level software requirements specified in the Software Requirements Specification/Data and the Software Design Document.
What is system integration testing with example
PractiTest provides a quick and easy way to organize tests by test level, test phase and other categories, including custom categories. The process described here is somewhat sequential, but is also iterative and evolving since new information will likely emerge throughout the life cycle of an application. While test planning may be out of style in some organizations, there is still a strong need for such planning especially where integration is concerned. While combinatorial testing is helpful and promising, it does have limitations in that it can be somewhat random how the condition combinations are derived. This leaves the need to include other techniques which we explore in this article. This is a significant finding because it suggests that if we could at least test all the pairs of related conditions, we could test where many of the integration defects reside.
What is system integration testing with example
These techniques are not to be confused with integration testing types, which we’ll cover the following section. For software SIT is part of the software testing life cycle for collaborative projects. Software providers usually run a pre-SIT round of tests before consumers run their SIT test cases. Software testing, both manual and automated, helps ensure quality control and determines how well the software performs. Integration testing involves testing various modules of the software under development as a group to see whether they function together seamlessly.


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