
Dating A Non-Christian As A Christian Updated 2023 Advice By Renee Slansky

Either way, God will give you that wisdom if you ask for it and are brave enough to act. In summary, it is never okay to date or marry a non-Christian. You must be careful because it will be easy to get sucked into an unbiblical relationship if you drop your guard. Put up boundaries so you don’t get tempted to date an unbeliever. While the Bible is clear that it is not ever okay to date or marry a non-Christian, that does not mean many Christians will not still do this.

You’ll end up in divorce one day and it will be a logical result of a thoughtless decision. In God’s strange and wise providence, the valley of this sexual sin may be the decisive spark that ignites that genuine repentance and passion for Christ in each of you. And a thousand years from now, neither of you would ever trade that for a few decades of marital love together. Strive to see any dating relationship through the eyes of eternity with God. Months apart now, as hard as they may feel today, may make all the difference for you forever. Any pleasure in sexual sin comes with the far greater heartaches of resilient shame and broken trust.

The truth is, how you view your son and talk to him has a significant effect on how he thinks and acts. Marriage based on a common faith is for our benefit, blessing and protection. Make the decision to follow Him and allow Him to help you find the right mate for you. Following Christ is the most important decision you’ll ever make.

Christian married to a non-believer

If you are going to date someone who isn’t a Christian, plan for them to stay that way forever. However, if you trick yourself into thinking that they’ll change their religion for you, that’s a bad road to go down. Chances are that some of you are here because you’ve already met someone who isn’t a Christian and maybe you’ve even been dating for a while already. But if you haven’t met someone yet or you’re on the fence about committing to someone who isn’t a Christian, we’d like to recommend something.

I encourage you to keep your focus on God and invite His direction in all your relationships. Do be friends with unbelievers and use the friendship to share the love, joy, and peace you find in being a Christian. If God uses you to bring them to Him, THEN and only then can you give consideration to entering into a deeper relationship. May God guide you and grant you wisdom in your journey. Although we should only be considering Christians who are ‘morally’ strong, morals is not the real essence at stake in this consideration. God is saying that I want to ‘bless’ your relationship – from the start and through the years.

What does the Bible say?

But somewhere, at some point, you’re going to realize that you are building a life on two different foundations. Some Christians engage in “missionary dating,” which is a Christian dating a non-Christian with the goal of leading that person to faith in Christ. Evangelizing someone is a noble goal, and there are doubtless cases in which individuals have been saved through missionary dating, but it’s not really the goal of a dating relationship. For the three reasons discussed above, missionary dating is not a good idea. I’d never thought of this much until I met a woman who had never married.

That’s the core truth all believers should follow. It is very sad, but there are many unbelievers that are stronger morally than many Christians. They are good citizens, caring for those around them, and willing to give sacrificially. However, to begin a relationship with them is akin to dating from another culture.

I started caring when one boyfriend blatantly started insulting my religion. I became personally offended, because Christianity is how I grew up. It can be easy to take up unbelievers as a “project” especially if they’re attractive, but it’s not healthy to have this viewpoint.

But, as mentioned before, you can’t help who you fall for. You might begin to connect with someone who isn’t faith-based and honestly, that’s okay. If you grew up in the church and surrounded by fellow Christians, you have already been told to not date a non-Christian.

Top Five Misunderstood Sayings of Jesus

‘ Here, ‘sexual immorality’ means having any sexual relationship with anyone before marriage is considered a sin. Every marriage/relationship has difficulties, and these are ours. Pray together and let both sides work hard to be the 60 in a 60/40 relationship, and you can figure it out.

Our question here, however, is whether dating couples who have just committed sexual sin should consider taking a break . It stands to reason, then, that if one cannot marry an unbeliever, it is at least spectacularly unwise — and nearly always an indication of sin — to search for a spouse among unbelievers. Just because a person says that they know Christ, doesn’t mean they have a personal relationship with Him. On the flip side, just because a person doesn’t know Christ, doesn’t mean they’re not open or unwilling to know Him.


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